Carson High School CTE Program
The Greenhouse Project is proud to support Agricultural Education through the Carson High School Future Farmers of America and Career and Technical Education Programs.
Students from Carson City High School come out during class hours and participate in works- based learning.
Plant Science students interested in high wage, high skill, high demand careers as a Plant Breeder and Geneticist, Greenhouse Manager, Education and Extension Specialist, Biotechnology Lab Technician, Botanist, Grower, Plant Researcher or Plant Pathologist should consider enrolling in the three-year Ornamental Horticulture/Greenhouse Management Program of Study. The Ornamental Horticulture/Greenhouse Management program provides students with the principles of plant science, ornamental horticulture and greenhouse management. Areas of study include plant anatomy and physiology, plant identification, propagation, growing media, nutrition, integrated pest management, plant technologies, growing greenhouse crops, greenhouse business concepts, and leadership development.
Agriculture Science students are introduced to the many career areas in agriculture. Topics include scientific investigations in agriculture, basic animal science, basic plant and soil science, ornamental horticulture, natural resource management, business management, leadership and communication through FFA, and career skills. All students enrolled in Agriculture Education will be recognized as members of the FFA organization. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are projects, field trips, shadowing, and supervised agricultural experience. Supervised agricultural experience programs and FFA leadership activities are integral components of the course and provide many opportunities for practical application of instructional competencies.