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Our bi- monthly newsletter comes packed with what TGP is up to, tricks and tips of the trade, and ways you can be involved!

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Newsletter Archives

Grateful Harvest Dinner tickets on sale, farmers market announcement, thank you to our sponsors

Grateful Harvest Dinner sponsorship details and final Mother's Day plant sale announcements.

New site name announcement, plant sale details, Harvest Dinner save the date

Management transitions, petunia baskets, plant sale announcement

Petunia basket sponsorships available, Harvest Dinner thank you, meet our new AmeriCorps member

Meet our new team members, read about our Harvest Dinner auction

Harvest Dinner tickets on sale, call for gleaning volunteers, looking for a Horticultural Assistant to hire

Harvest Dinner sponsorship opportunities, Mother's Day Plant Sale reminder, & helpful apps for the garden

Mother's Day Plant Sale, meet our Horticultural Assistant, Spring events

Sponsor petunia baskets, Montana ranch history, meet our new AmeriCorps members

Job Opportunity, petunia baskets, new managers, and Harvest Dinner thanks

Purchase Harvest Dinner tickets, job opportunity, Foothill classes

Harvest Dinner, Lady Bugs, and meet our new Americorps Member

Our Plant Sale, Meet June, Local CSA,Job Opportunities 

Simple Ways to Support TGP, Meet Candi Ruff, and upcoming events.

Into the New Year, Meet John Procaccini, New Volunteer Opportunities. 

Celebrating the Holidays, Meet Karel Ancona- Henry, 

Get Ready for the Grateful Harvest Dinner, updates to the Sustainability Campaign, and meet Vicki Crabb

Introducing the Sustainability Campaign,meet Lucy Joyce, summer events. 

Meet Cheryl Rotter, Foothill Education Classes, plus Farmers Market. 

Advice from our TGP experts and Foothill Education Series 

The Celebrity Chef Dinner, Petunia Baskets, and our outdoor classroom complete!

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